My Final words on the EU debate

I’ve already voted out by post so no one can hope to change my mind at this point although they couldn’t anyway.

On Immigration  – All for it, we need immigrants, all I want is to be able to chose which ones we allow in, a points system that many other countries use will do fine thank you. Not open borders. If anyone wants to come and work here, get a visa, simple! I’ve had to do it to work in Australia, the system works fine.

On Sovereignty – We are an island geographically from Europe and there’s no reason why we can’t return to being an “island” politically from Europe. A vote to leave the EU isn’t a vote to leave Europe, we still share the same Continental Shelf.

On Law – We have one of the oldest legal systems in the world that’s worked as well as such a system can do, all the EU have done is added complexity and complexity in anything adds opportunity for error. We are also undermining our Courts by offering the opportunity of any disgruntled person found guilty to go to the European Court and get their sentence quashed. 

On Defence – We are the envy of the world to have such a superb fighting force, land air & sea, and we don’t want to loose that position. On top of those services mentioned, the world, even USA, envy our Intelligence gathering, no one else can hold a candle to GCHQ and America know it, if we leave the EU our military intelligence will still be valued, our counter terrorism intelligence will still be valued (and shared) and our criminal intelligence will still be valued (and shared).

On Trade – Please remember that only 12% of our trade goes to EU member states. The products and services that go there will still be required so we will not lose that 12% of trade. However, we will be able to open up or enlarge on other markets with our own trade agreements. The out campaign say that to set up such agreements would take ten years, that might be the case but, as in any business decision, you look at where your time is best spent, in this case where the most trade can come from, and work on setting up those first, it’s not rocket science!! I personally think that controlling our own trading destiny will be good for the country as a whole, I think the British people will deliberately buy British where they can and even if that’s only for a short while because memories are short, it will help UK PLC.

On Finance – There’s long been discussion on a transaction tax on the banks in London, it would raise millions, if the worry is that it might drive the banks away from us, I doubt it, we’re still the 5th biggest economy in the world for one thing but, not only that, we speak English! I can’t see thousands of US bankers rushing back to college to learn German or French, they will still have major offices working with European money based in the UK. 

On Politicians – I voted for Cameron, I think Corbyn’s a joke and not a credible candidate for the next PM, I think both of them backing the remain campaign have a vested personal interest in something otherwise why would they change their minds as both were in the leave camp a few months ago?? Personally, I’ve lost faith in them all, they’ve all lied, both sides and all parties, we need a clear out and a new set installing. If the country votes to leave then these two must resign!

On Gut Feel – British people like being British and we like being in control of our own destiny, that won’t change and I think it has a major bearing on the outcome of this referendum. I’m certain that Joe Public don’t like being told what to do by a German or a French person.

That’s all from me.