Lisvane Primary School

Dad’s job brought us to South Wales where we settled in Lisvane, Cardiff. We didn’t know it at the time but Lisvane is a posh part of Cardiff, or it was at least, no idea if it still is really but I suppose it’s still up there. Full of big houses and rich people.

That was probably why Lisvane Primary School was full of rich kids who seemed to have everything, my MumĀ used to joke that she wanted to meet this kid called “Everyone” because I came home and used to nag her about getting the latest toy, skateboard or similar, saying “Mum, everyone has one!”

I found Wales a little odd, all the kids played football like everywhere else in the world but the schools only taught Rugby, everyone spoke English like everywhere else on this island but the schools taught Welsh, it’s like a nation of people being forced to do stuff they don’t want to do.

Anyway, from about 7 years old to 11 I was stuck there, it was dead easy, my previous school in Yorkshire was way ahead of the Welsh curriculum (probably due to the Welsh concentrating on odd subjects) so I stood out as a bright kid because I’d already done what they were learning. I thought that was the case at first until I realised that I actually was a bright kid and stayed ahead of just about everyone I went to school with until I got fed up with acedemia and left at 16 (see info on Llanishen High School if you must).