There’s a swelling of people who seem to be drawing far too close parallels between people who voted for Brexit in the UK and those who voted for Trump in the US.
As far as I can see the two groups are being labelled in the same way, stupid, uneducated, racist and plenty more.
There’s been protests in the States which doesn’t amaze me at all but when you think about it, the USA is supposed to be the worlds greatest democracy and in current times, Trump being a Republican, it’s ironically the Democrats protesting against democracy. Do they realise what they’re doing?
I was recently admonished by a friend of mine, yes a friend, I’ll never let politics get in the way of friendship, about my views on Brexit and he also spoke of the similarities between the two groups on either side of the Atlantic, here’s my reply…
“If the remain vote was the right one then it has weak leaders as they failed to convince the voting public. Ditto America with Clinton. I don’t support either US candidate. Could it be that the winning sides are actually what the people want? Heaven forbid that democracy, both sides of the Atlantic, has worked and upheld the voice of the voting public. Both were 2 horse races and, as must always happen in such events, some people simply back the wrong horse. It doesn’t mean the others were wrong!”
I’ve also seen plenty of criticism of the two groups on Twitter and the insults are the usual broad brush generalisations. What would the Democrats and Remoaners say if the two offended groups were to do the same?
An example of the sort of broad brush insulting counter argument could be that they are spineless, weak willed desk jockies sitting there with their knees knocking and hands shaking terrified of the possibility of change as they are unable to cope?? Just a thought. No offence intended, as I said, just an example.
As with Brexit, we have to sit back and trust the decisions that a democratic vote has made on our behalf, we hope that the people charged with new duties will do the job well and with the best intentions of the nation that they represent at the front of their minds during the ensuing negotiations and decision making.